german with some japanese sprinkles (believe it or not), 34 years old, in advertising for 12 years, a creative, a copywriter, a businessman, loads of awards, loads of ideas, happy about digital, fake ads make my toes curl...rock on! Lived in Berlin, Madrid, Amsterdam and London. Worked at 180 Amsterdam, DDB and Jung von Matt. Worked as a Park Ranger in Arizona and tried to become a Doctor. Speak german, english, french and spanish. My work has been recognized at Cannes Lions, D&AD, London International Advertising Awards, Clio's, One Show, ADC Europe, New York Festivals, Euro Effies, Eurobest, Creative Review Annual. Looking to help companies, people and brands to communicate with people instead of yelling at them! +4916096743489

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Virtual Oil Leak

I started this Facebook project after the oil spill in the gulf and while BP was a huge failure at fixing it. Purpose of that group was to take the spill into the digital world.

All I asked members of the group was to change any main profile pic that they have into a black picture. It was really my experiment but I liked the idea of merging a natural actual happening into the digital world.

Visit the experiment here:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mc Donalds

Sky Launch newspaper ad

head: tv makes you stupid
rubber: does it have to be like that?

clock: TV is a waste of time
heart: we love animals, we love food, we love cars but why don't we love tv? "commercial break"

man: time for tv that goes directly to the heart. Sky is here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sky Launch

Das Besondere sehen means: See (watch) what is truly amazing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Amnesty International

Hansaton Hearing aid

press campaign for Hansaton hearing aids (NOT AIDS)

BMW motorbikes are UNSTOPPALBE

We relaunched the BMW motorbike brand.
BMW motorbikes are UNSTOPPABLE.

Sales literature that won a Gold Clio.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Noah - people for animals

Hunting is murder disguised as a sport.


MINI Lets MINI press campaign

MINI Is it love? press campaign

Dealer campaign

Press campaign for the MINI that points out Size and Safety

The only MINI that is a Diesel

MINI Cooper S press campaign.

Ambient idea. The MINI Cooper S sucked in parts of the poster while you heard the engine roar.

More photos

Another ambient idea for the MINI Cooper S.
We painted a train so that it looked like the MINI Cooper S was pulling the train.

Amstel Filtered - a beer that focuses on what really matters in life

Press campaign for Amstel Filtered.

(click to enlarge)

TV for Amstel Filtered.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


Tactical ad for an unknown tennis player who became more famous from round to round in the Australian Open.

Viral for the 07 Brandcampaign.


since 03.2009
DDB Germany
Co-Founder and Executive CD of Hubble Innovations
Creative Director at the Munich office

11.2008 – 02.2009
Marc Jacobs, 180 Amsterdam, Heimat, DDB
Freelance Creative and Creative Director

01.2008 – 10.2008
Vitruvio Leo Burnett Madrid,
Creative Director

01.2006 – 01.2008
180 Amsterdam,
Senior Creative

10.2006 – 12.2006
Strawberry Frog Amsterdam,

04.2004 – 09.2005
DDB Berlin,
Senior Copywriter

12.2000 – 03.2004
Jung von Matt Hamburg,
Junior, Senior Copywriter

06.2000 – 12.2000
Arboretum Flagstaff Arizona,
Park Ranger and keeper


Cannes Lions, Cannes Shortlists, D&AD, London International Advertising Awards, Clio's, One Show, ADC Europe, ADC Germany, New York Festivals, Euro Effies, Eurobest, Creative Review Annual, Advertising Anual Germany, German Press Award, ADC Austria, Lead Award


fon: +4916096743489